Please Call 951-595-0061 or Fill Out Link Above
You May Also Text and Send Pictures to 951-595-0061 or Email for a more accurate and faster estimate.
If you would like a free written estimate, please include:
1. First and last name (and/or company name)
2. Project location or address
3. Phone #
4. Email address
In some cases we understand you are too busy and you just don't have time to send us pictures or meet face to face and in that case we can conduct off a time and material basis.
Steam Cleaning/Pressure Washing:
Equipment & Crew Time Rate
$100/Hr Per Crew Leader (1)
$50/Hr Per Crew Technician (1)
$25/Hr Per Hot Water Power Washer
$25/Hr Per Wastewater Recycling Vacuum
+ Disposal Fee if any
$1/Mile Service Vehicle Cost
Equipment & Crew Time Rate
$300/Hr Per Crew (2 Service Techs)
$30/Hr Per Dustless Blasting Pot
$1/Mile Service Vehicle Cost
+ Blasting Media
PLEASE NOTE: Hourly Rate Begins At Job-Site
A 2 Hour Minimum Usually Applies to Projects Conducted On A Time and Material Basis
A 1 Hour Minimum Applies To All Other Projects
*Please Note: Pricing is subject to change during night and/or weekend projects.
**Please Also Note: The more information and description we have about a project the more accurate and prepared we can be.